2018 Curator Note

Another note from Macy directed at the entire Kawanhee community:

I think the best way to move Kawanhee history forward is to continue engaging with it, both with alumni and with campers. I think a major item that should be accomplished is the digitization and online publication of all of the catalogs prior to the 100th reunion in 2020. Many of the alumni I spoke with over the summer asked whether the entire collection of catalogs was online and expressed interest in being able to access them digitally. Another high priority project would be to better publicize the Kawanhee history page and make sure more alumni are aware of its existence and are able to access it. It would also be ideal to finish the unfinished online exhibits that Eliza has published on the website. I also think camper engagement with history is really important. We accomplished a lot of camper engagement with history this summer, and it was awesome to watch campers find interesting things about camp’s past that they’d never known. When campers care about and understand camp history and tradition then I think that the chances of Kawanhee’s continuation only increases, and that’s awesome. Finding a way to continue that engagement leading up to and passing the 100th would be phenomenal. Another high impact curatorial project that I just didn’t have the time or skills for would be photo identification and preservation. We have what feels like half-a-million photos and slides boxed up and lying around that aren’t organized in any way and aren’t identified (correctly or even roughly) and finding a better way to deal with those would be incredibly demanding but also incredibly rewarding. I know I just threw a lot of information in here, but to sum it all up we need to keep engaging with history both in person and online to connect with a variety of audiences. While prioritizing history and certain projects moving into 2020 and the 100th reunion is certainly important, it’s also important to remember that any and all work being done in history is important and will continue to lay a framework for Kawanhee in the years to come.