Summer Project Ideas



  • preservation
    • digitization, redoing labels that are weather damaged, protecting items from further damage
  • education
    • involve campers in the history cabin with age appropriate activities, emphasizing both the making and preservation of history
  • accessibility
    • allow alumni and the general public to access materials in our archives


  • make scans of all material in cabin, as well as historic material stored elsewhere in camp
  • write labels anything in the museum that is unlabeled and replace weather-damaged labels – perhaps laminate, put on cardstock for durability



Make, name and organize scans of all materials in cabin (so far, 1920 through 1939 are complete). Consider making text files for written documents using optical character recognition (OCR) software to better analyze their contents. (Done using Adobe Acrobat—very time intensive to correct errors, harms image quality. Be sure to save original scans.) Consider using database management software like PastPerfect to catalog and add additional tags to content.


Once trained, we will be able to create mini exhibitions on this platform.


Mike has curated a number of posters on various topics. However, some posters are old and beginning to fade from sun exposure. Perhaps we could remake these posters in a digital form and then print them out on heavy-duty laminated paper or cardstock. We could set up an area inside or outside of the museum where a poster could slide in and out (allowing for rotating exhibits). Another option would be to display these posters outside of the museum on easels.

SELF GUIDED CAMP TOUR (started as a Junior Counselor project in 2017)

Each building at camp has significant history and we have many historic photos of all of these locations, documenting how they have changed throughout the years. One idea is to print large, waterproof signs or plaques that could be posted near each building, detailing its history. Ideally these signs would fit into the rustic aesthetic (perhaps resembling signs you see at a national park) and would allow the camp’s history to coexist with its present. These signs could also lead interested campers to the history cabin to learn more.


We currently have a display case with four shelves and a glass front sitting outside of the history cabin. Perhaps each lodge could come in one at a time to do an evening activity at the museum, culminating in a simple exhibit about their lodge. First, they could do guided research on the lodge that they live in, listening to a brief presentation, looking at old photos and reading historical documents. Then, given photocopies of some of these resources and label making materials, they could decide how to tell the lodge’s story. They could also build a replica of the lodge or discuss how they will leave marks of their own presence on the lodge (ex. writing their names in the rafters).


When alumni and other members of the camp community visit camp, it would be wonderful to collect their stories. I recommend having one to three simple questions and answers recorded as audio or video (ex. When did you come to camp?/What was your role (camper? counselor? staff?)? / What do you remember? / What makes Kawanhee special to you?)


As campers are at the center of Kawanhee’s history, they should understand how they can and already do contribute actively to camp history, the museum and its collections. Campers may: allow us to scan their letters home, write a journal entry about their day at camp, be interviewed on video, etc. They may also learn about the archival process if we have tasks available for them to do.


This poster would adhere to a freestanding, rolling platform and ideally be displayed in the inn lobby as a promotional piece for camp.  (The Kawanhee Inn is about a 1/2 mile down the road from the actual camp.)